Chapter 7. Troubleshooting607 rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-MACHINE_NAME-VER-REL.noarch.rpmis installed on the RHN Satellite and the corresponding rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-*.noarch.rpm or raw CA SSL public (client) certificate is installed on all client systems.• Verify the client systems are configured to use the appropriate certificate.• If also using one or more RHN Proxy Servers, ensure each Proxy's SSL certificates are preparedcorrectly. The Proxy should have both its own server SSL key-pair and CA SSL public (client)certificate installed, since it will serve in both capacities. Refer to the SSL Certificates chapter of theRHN Client Configuration Guide for specific instructions.• Make sure client systems are not using firewalls of their own, blocking required ports as identified inSection 2.4, “Additional Requirements”.7.6. SELinux IssuesIf you encounter any issues with SELinux messages (such as AVC denial messages) on Red HatEnterprise Linux 5.1 while installing RHN Satellite, be sure to have the audit.log files availableso that Red Hat Support personnel can assist you. You can find the file in /var/log/audit/audit.log and can attach the file to your Support ticket for engineers to assist you.7.7. Updated Software ComponentsDo not subscribe your RHN Satellite to any of the following child channels available from RHN'scentral servers:• Red Hat Developer Suite• Red Hat Application Server• Red Hat ExtrasSubscribing to these channels and updating your Satellite (such as by running yum on Red HatEnterprise Linux 5 (or up2date on earlier Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions), may install newer,incompatible versions of critical software components, causing the Satellite to fail.7.8. Satellite Debugging by Red HatIf you've exhausted these troubleshooting steps or want to defer them to Red Hat Networkprofessionals, Red Hat recommends you take advantage of the strong support that comes with RHNSatellite. The most efficient way to do this is to aggregate your Satellite's configuration parameters, logfiles, and database information and send this package directly to Red Hat.RHN provides a command line tool explicitly for this purpose: The Satellite Diagnostic Info Gatherer,commonly known by its command satellite-debug. To use this tool, issue the command as root.You will see the pieces of information collected and the single tarball created, like so:[root@miab root]# satellite-debugCollecting and packaging relevant diagnostic information.