Chapter 6. Importing and Synchronizing 35Option Description--ca-cert=CA_CERT Use an alternative SSL CA certificate by including thefull path and filename.--systemid=SYSTEM_ID For debugging only - Include path to alternativedigital system ID.--systemid=SYSTEM_ID For debugging only - Include path to alternativedigital system ID.--batch-size=BATCH_SIZE For debugging only - Set maximum batch size inpercent for XML/database-import processing. Openman satellite-sync for more information.Table 6-1. Satellite Import/Sync OptionsIf no options are included, satellite-sync will synchronize all channels that already exist in theSatellite’s database. By default, the --cache-refresh-level=2 and --step (all steps) options areenabled.Keep in mind, when using the --channel option, you must specify the channel label, not its name.For instance, use "rhel-i386-as-3" not "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 i386." Use the --list-channelsoption to obtain a list of all channels by label. All of these channels are available for importing andsynchronizing.6.1.3. Import/Sync Cache RefreshThe RHN Satellite Synchronization Tool caches metadata used for the synchronization process.This cache, which exists by default in /var/cache/rhn/, can be completely refreshed every timethe process is run, be partially refreshed, or be left in place entirely. The closer to a full refresh, theslower the synchronization process.The default setting is a cache refresh level of 2. This can be adjusted using the--cache-refresh-level option. In the event that satellite-sync is called many times in ashort period of time, level 0 may be more appropriate. Here are the levels:• 0 — Do not refresh unless something differs.• 1 — Delete staging area so all short (indexing) package data is downloaded every time.• 2 — Default behavior - Obtain short (indexing) package data and long package data.• 3 — Always replace Errata information.• 4 — Remove all caches upon sync completion.• 5 — Remove all caches upon sync initialization.• 6 — Remove all caches upon sync completion and initialization.Increasing the cache level is useful in troubleshooting. If users suspect the cache is out of sync orcorrupt, they may increase the level incrementally in order to completely remove it and start anew.Refer to Section 7.5 Caching Issues for manual clearing instructions.6.2. ImportingBefore distributing packages via RHN Satellite Server, the packages must first be uploaded to theSatellite. This section describes the process for importing packages and other channel data.