10 • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoidsmoking or bringing any flame orsparks near fuel. Make sure to stop theengine and allow it cool beforerefueling the unit. Select outdoor bareground for fueling and move at least3m(10ft) away from the fueling pointbefore starting the engine.• The RedMax engines are lubricated by oilspecially formulated for air-cooled 2-cyclegasoline engine use. If RedMax oil is notavailable, use an anti-oxidant added qualityoil expressly labeled for air-cooled 2-cycleengine use.RECOMMENDED MIXING RATIOGASOLINE 32:OIL 1• Exhaust emission are controlled by thefundamental engine parameters andcomponents(eq., carburation, ignitiontiming and port timing) without additionof any major hardware or theintroduction of an inert material duringcombustion.• These engines are certified to operate onunleaded gasoline.• Make sure to use gasoline with a minimumoctane number of 90 ROZ(USA/Canada :pump octane min.87)• Unleaded gasoline is recommended toreduce the contamination of the air for thesake of your health and the environment.WARNING • Poor quality gasolines or oils may damagesealing rings, fuel lines or fuel tank of theengine.n HOW TO MIX FUEL1. Measure out the quantities of gasoline andoil to be mixed.2. Put some of the gasoline into a clean,approved fuel container.3. Pour in all of the oil and agitate well.4. Pour in the rest of gasoline and agitateagain for at least one minute.5. Put a clear indication on the outside of thecontainer to avoid mixing up with gasolineor other containers.6. Indicate the contents on outside ofcontainer for easy identification.n FUELING THE UNIT1. Untwist and remove the fuel cap. Rest thecap on a dustless place.2. Put fuel into the fuel tank to 80% of the fullcapacity.3. Fasten the fuel cap securely and wipe upany fuel spillage around the unit.1. Select bare ground for fueling.2. Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) awayfrom the fueling point before starting theengine.3. Stop the engine before refueling the unit.FOR YOUR ENGINE LIFE, AVOID;1. FUEL WITH NO OIL(RAW GASOLINE) –It will cause severe damage to the internalengine parts very quickly.2. GASOHOL – It can cause deterioration ofrubber and/or plastic parts and disruptionof engine lubrication.3. OIL FOR 4-CYCLE ENGINE USE orWATER COOLED 2-CYCLE ENGINEUSE – It can cause spark plug fouling,exhaust port blocking, or piston ringsticking.4. Mixed fuels which have been leftunused for a period of one month ormore may clog the carburetor and resultin the engine failing to operate properly.WARNINGFuel32:1 MIXING CHARTGASOLINE gal. 1 2 3 4 52-CYCLE OIL fl.oz 4 8 12 16 20GASOLINE liter 1 2 3 4 52-CYCLE OIL ml 32 64 96 128 160