7 5. For safe operation1. Read this manual carefully until youcompletely understand and follow all safetyand operating instructions.2. Keep this manual handy so that you may referto it later whenever any questions arise. Alsonote, if you have any questions which cannotbe answered herein, contact the dealer fromwhom you purchased the product.3. Always be sure to include this manual whenselling, lending, or otherwise transferring theownership of this product.4. Never allow children or anyone unable to fullyunderstand the directions given in the manualto use the machine.n WORKING CONDITION1. When using the product, you should wear properclothing and protective equipment.(1) Helmet(2) Ear protectors(3) Protection goggles or face protector(4) Thick work gloves(5) Non-slip-sole work boots2. And you should carry with you.(1) Attached tools and files(2) Properly reserved fuel(3) Spare blade(4) Things to notify your working area (rope,warning signs)(5) Whistle (for collaboration or emergency)(6) Hatchet or saw (for removal of obstacles)3. Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry, shorttrousers, sandals, or go barefoot. Do not wearanything which might be caught by a movingpart of the unit. Secure hair so it is aboveshoulder length.n WORKING CIRCUMSTANCE1. Never start the engine inside a closed room orbuilding. Exhaust gases contain dangerouscarbon monoxide.2. Never use the product,a. when the ground is slippery or when you can’tmaintain a steady posture.