![Redpine Signals WyzBee User Manual Manual pdf 9 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4206483/d19a6c3c2dd902224b1cfb866c3e26059f.jpg)
Page 9WyzBee™User ManualVersion 1.2WyzBee™User ManualVersion 1.22 Setting up WyzBee™2.1 Setup RequirementsSetting up and working with WyzBee™ is easy. Before you start, make sure you have thefollowing hardware and software components:Hardware: The WyzBee™ baseboard 32/64-bit PC with minimum 2GB RAM and USB Port for Power, Downloading andDebuggingSoftware: Windows 7/8/8.1 Operating System. The CMSIS-DAP driver provided by Spansion. You can download the driver fromhttps://www.spansion.com/Support/microcontrollers/developmentenvironment/Pages/board-SK-FM4-U120-9B560.aspx. More details are given in Section 2.2. An IDE like Keil uVision, IAR Embedded Workbench or CooCox CoIDE.2.2 Installing the CMSIS-DAP DriversFollow the steps below to download and install the CMSIS-DAP Drivers.1) Download the complete set of drivers and tools from the following link:(USB drivers for virtual COM port and CMSIS-DAP)https://www.spansion.com/Support/microcontrollers/developmentenvironment/Pages/board-SK-FM4-U120-9B560.aspxNote: If the device gets detected as an unknown device, update the drivers from the devicemanager and point to the location of the newly downloaded drivers.2) Windows USB drivers that are specific to WyzBee™ need to be installed for thedetection of debugging port. In the downloaded folder, navigate to the “drivers” folderand double-click on the driverinstaller.exe file. The window below will appear.Figure 4: CMSID-DAP Drivers Installation Window