City Series CV50E Direct Vent Gas Fireplace | 7Framing DimensionsNOTE: Framing may be constructed of combustible material (i.e. 2 x 4/2 x 6) and does not require steel studs.FramingDimensions Description CV50EA Framing Height 2 x 4 : 44-3/4" (1137 mm)2 x 6 : 51-7/8" (1318 mm)B* Framing Width 54-3/8" (1381 mm)C* Framing Depth 20-7/16" (519 mm)D Minimum Height to Combustibles 62-7/8" (1597 mm)E Corner Wall Depth 66" (1676 mm)F Corner Facing Wall Depth 93-3/8" (2372 mm)G Vent Centerline Height 45-3/4" (1162 mm)** See manual for alternate Gas/ Electrical connection optionsNote: A combined minimum of152 square inches of open areais required for the convectionair outlet to cool the enclosure.Ensure clearances for convec-tion air outlets are met.See clearances in this manualfor different ways to achievethis.Note: This appliance must beinstalled on a solid surfacesuch as a plywood floor whichmust be the full width anddepth of the appliance.The lift handles add approximately 4 inches to the width of the appliance. If the appliance will be lifted off the ground and slid into the framed opening,we suggest changing the framing width from 54-3/8" (1381 mm) to 58-3/8" (1483 mm) to allow the appliance to slide into position with the handles on,or creating a platform in front of the framed opening where the lift handles can be removed prior to installation. If the framing is raised off the ground youcan install it after the appliance is in place with handles removed to maintain the framing width of 54-3/8" (1381 mm). Ensure that the wood base for theappliance is strong enough to support its shipping weight of 480 pounds.| City Series CV60EinstallationFraming Dimensions CV60ENOTE: Framing may be constructed of combustible material (ie. 2 x 4)and does not require steel studs.FramingDimensions Description CV60EA Framing Height 44 3/4" (1137mm)B Framing Width 65 11/16" (1668mm)C Framing Depth 20-5/16" (516mm)D Minimum Height to Combustibles 81 1/4"(2038mm)E Corner Wall Depth 73 7/16” (1866mm)F Corner Facing Wall Width 103 7/8" (2638mm)G Vent Centerline Height 58 3/16" (1478mm)I Gas Connection Opening Height See gas connection location in this manualSee gas connection location in this manualSee gas connection location in this manualSee gas connection location in this manualJ Gas Connection HeightK Gas Connection Inset-Centre OpeningL Gas Connection Opening WidthNote: A combined minimumof 180 square inches of openarea is required for the con-vection air outlet to cool theenclosure. Ensure clearancesfor Convection Air Outletsare met.See clearances CV60E in thismanual as there are differentmethods as to how this canbe achieved.Note: This appliance must beinstalled on a solid surfacesuch as a plywood floorwhich must be the full widthand depth of the appliance.With the lift handles adding approximately 4 inches to the overall width of the appliance,In cases where the appliance would need tobe raised off the groundin order to slide it into the framed opening, it is suggested that either the framing width change 65 11/16 to 69 11/16 “ so appliance could be easily slid intoposition with the handles remaining on the appliance, or alternatively create a platform in front of the framed opening where the lift handles could be removedprior to sliding the appliance into its final position. Alternatively, If raised off the ground, the framing could be installed afterwards once appliance has beenput into place and handles removed in order to keep framing width at 65 11/16”.. Ensure that the wood base that the appliance will sit on is strong enoughto support the full weight of this appliance. The overall weight of this appliance is 480 pounds (shipping weight).*** The framing depth/width does not take into account drywall/wood or similar materials against the back /side wall.The framing depth will need to change based on the thickness of the material.Example: B - 54-3/8" framing width +1/2" drywall per side = 55-3/8")Example: C - 20-7/16" framing depth +1/2" drywall = 20-15/16")