Regency ® E33S-1 Sunrise Gas Insert 3131 Regency ® E33S-1 Sunrise Gas InsertMAINTENANcEMAINTENANcEGENERAl VENTMAINTENANcEConduct an inspection of the venting systemsemi-annually. Recommended areas to inspectas follows:1) Check the Venting System for corrosion inareas that are exposed to the elements.These will appear as rust spots orTop View of pilot flameIncorrect flame pattern will have small, probablyyellow flames, not coming into proper contactwith the rear of the burner or thermopile.6) Each time the appliance is lit, it may causecondensation and fog the glass. Thiscondensation and fog is normal and willdisappear in a few minutes as the glassheats up.Never operate the appliance without theglass properly secured in place or withthe door open.7) Do not use this appliance if any part has beenunder water. Immediately call a qualifiedservice technician to inspect the applianceand to replace nay part of the control systemand any gas control which has been underwater.8) Periodically check the pilot flames. Correctflame pattern has three strong blue flames: 1flowing around the thermopile and 1 aroundthe thermocouple, and 1 flowing across thefront of the burner.Note: If you have an incorrect flame pattern,contact your FpI dealer for furtherinstructions.c l O T H I N G O R O T H E RFlAMMABlE MATERIAl SHOUlDNOT BE plAcED ON OR NEARTHE ApplIANcE.WARNING: cHIlDREN ANDADUlTS SHOUlD BE AlERTEDTO THE HAZARDS OF HIGHSURFAcE TEMpERATURE ANDSHOUlD STAY AWAY TO AVOIDBURNS OR clOTHING IGNITION.YOUNG cHIlDREN SHOUlDBE cAREFUllY SUpERVISEDWHEN THEY ARE IN THE SAMEROOM AS THE ApplIANcE.cAUTION: ANY SAFETY ScREENOR GUARD REMOVED FORSERVIcING AN ApplIANcEMUST BE REplAcED pRIOR TOOpERATING THE ApplIANcE.MAINTENANcEINSTRUcTIONS1) Always turn the gas valve to the off positionbefore cleaning. For relighting, refer tolighting instructions. Keep the burner andcontrol compartment clean by brushing andvacuuming at least once a year.2) Clean (never when unit is hot) appliance,door and louvers with a damp cloth. Neveruse an abrasive cleaner. The optionalfinishes on louvers and doors may bescratched if abrasives are used to cleanthem. The heater is finished in a heatresistant paint and should only be refinishedwith heat resistant paint (not with wall paint).FPI uses StoveBrite Paint - Metallic Black#6309.3) Make a periodic check of the burner forproper position and condition. Visuallycheck the flame of the burner periodically,making sure the flames are steady: notlifting or floating. If there is a problem, calla qualified service person.4) The appliance and venting system must beinspected before use, and at least annually,by a qualified field service person, to ensurethat the flow of combustion and ventilationair is not obstructed.During the annual service call, the burnersshould be removed and cleaned from theburner tray.5) Keep the area near the appliance clear andfree from combustible materials, gasolineand other flammable vapours and liquids.BurnerBurnerDOOR GlASSIf your glass requires cleaning, we recommendusing an approved glass cleaner available atall authorized dealers. Do not use abrasivematerials. Do not clean the glass when hot.In the event that you break your glass byimpact, purchase your replacement from anauthorized FPI dealer only, do not use substitutematerials. Follow our step-by-step instructionsfor replacement. Warning: Wear gloves whenremoving damaged or broken glass.caution: Do not operate appliance with glassremoved, cracked or broken. Replacementof the glass should be done by a licensedor qualified service person.Glass ReplacementRemove the glass door (refer to the "GlassDoor" Installation section). Remove the 4glass clips from each corner. Slide in the newreplacement glass. Push the 4 glass clips backonto the frame.streaks, and in extreme cases, holes.These components should be replacedimmediately.2) Remove the Termination Cap, and shine aflashlight down the Vent. Remove any birdnests, or other foreign material.3) Check for evidences of excessivecondensation, such as water droplets formingin the inner liner, and subsequently drippingout the joints. Continuous condensation cancause corrosion of caps, pipe, and fittings.It may be caused by having excessivelateral runs, too many elbows, and exteriorportions of the system being exposed to coldweather.4) Inspect joints to verify that no pipesections or fittings have been disturbed,and consequently loosened. Also checkmechanical supports such as Wall Straps,or plumbers' tape for rigidity.