Information for the doctor on frequent appearance of theirregular heartbeat symbolThis instrument is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor device thatalso analyzes pulse frequency during measurement. The instrument isclinically tested.If pulse irregularities occur during measurement, the irregular heartbeatsymbol is displayed after the measurement. If the symbol appears morefrequently (e.g., several times per week on measurements performeddaily) or if it suddenly appears more often than usual, we recommend thepatient to seek medical advice.The instrument does not replace a cardiac examination but serves todetect pulse irregularities at an early stage.5.7. Hypertension risk indicatorThe bars on the left-hand edge of the LCD show you the range withinwhich the indicated blood pressure value lies. Depending on the height ofthe bar, the readout value is either within the normal (green), borderline(yellow) or danger (orange, red) range.The classification is based on standards established by the National Insti-tutes of Health JNC7, 2003. Refer to the chart in section 2.2 of thisinstruction manual for details of the classifications.Indication of a“Normal” BloodPressureIndication of a “Pre-Hypertension” BloodPressureIndication of a “Stage 1Hypertension” BloodPressureIndication of a “Stage 2Hypertension” BloodPressure12