36DESCALING CYCLEPAUSESTEP 1/2DESCALING CYCLE...7 DESCALING CYCLEPAUSESTEP 1/2DESCALING CYCLE...8 RINSE THE WATER TANK ANDFILL WITH FRESH WATER9RINSE THE WATER TANK ANDFILL WITH FRESH WATEROK10EMPTY DRIP TRAY PLACEDUNDER THE BREW UNITOK4EMPTY DRIP TRAY PLACEDUNDER THE BREW UNITOK11PLACE A CONTAINER UNDER HOTWATER & CARAFE DISP. SPOUTSOK6FILL THE CARAFE HALFWAYWITH FRESH WATER AND INSERTIT IN BREWING POSITIONOK5FILL THE MILK CARAFEWITH FRESH WATEROK12The descaling cycle is activated.The bar shows the cycle's progress.If the containers need to be emptied,press the "pAuSE" button.Then, press the "START" button when thecontainer has been emptied and replaced.At the end of the first step, when thedescaling solution is finished, themachine will require a tank rinse.Rinse the water tank and refill it withfresh drinking water.Then, press the "OK" button.Empty the drip tray placed under thedispensing spout (page 40 - fig. 2) andthen replace it on the machine.Then, press the "OK" button.Empty the drip tray placed under thedispensing spout (page 40 - fig. 2) andreplace it back onto the machine.Then, press the "OK" button.place a container under the dispensingspout and a container under the hotwater wand.Then, press the "OK" button.Fill half the carafe with fresh water(page 38 - fig. 7).Insert the carafe and place it in thebrewing position. Then, press the "OK"button.Completely empty the carafe (page 38 -fig. 7) and fill it with fresh water.Insert the carafe in the brewing position,and then press the "OK" button.A default amount of water is needed for the rinsing step. This allows performing an ideal rinse cycle to ensure the best conditions tobrew products. The message about filling the tank for the rinse cycle is normal, as it is part of the procedure.maIntenanCe