The machine grinds thecoffee beans, but coffeedoes not come out.The grind is set too fine. Adjust the grinder to a coarsersetting.The brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.The coffee dispensing spout is dirty. Clean the coffee dispensing spoutand its holes with a pipe cleaner.The coffee exit duct is blocked. Clean the coffee exit duct with thehandle of the multifunctional toolor a spoon handle.The coffee comes outslowly.The grind is ground too finely. Change the coffee blend or adjustthe grinder.The brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.The coffee exit duct is blocked. Clean the coffee exit duct with thehandle of the multifunctional toolor a spoon handle.The machine circuit is blocked bylimescale.Descale the machine.The frothed milk is toocold.The cups are cold. Warm the cups with hot water.The milk does not froth. The milk carafe is dirty or notinserted correctly.Clean the carafe and make surethat you position and insert itcorrectly.The milk froth dispensing spout hasnot been opened fully.Check that the milk frothdispensing spout has been set inthe correct position.The milk carafe is incompletelyassembled.Check that all the componentshave been assembled correctly.The type of milk used is not suitablefor frothing.Different types of milk result indifferent amounts of froth anddifferent froth qualities. We havetested the following milk typeswhich proved to deliver a goodmilk froth result: semi-skimmed orfull-fac cow's milk, soy milk andlactose-free milk. Other types ofmilk have not been tested andmay result in a small amount ofmilk froth.The AquaClean filtercannot be activated as thetick does not appear onthe display.A filter has just been activated. You have to dispense at least 10cups (100of 100ml each beforeyou can activate a new filter. Becareful as you activate a new filter,the filter counter will increaseautomatically.The filter cannot beactivated and themachine asks fordescaling.You have already replaced 8AquaClean filters. After 8 filterreplacements you need to descalethe machine.Descale your machine first andinstall the filter.34 English