EN | 15RIRS 1200-5500 H EKO 3.0 v2019.06Resistance Ω Switch 1 Switch 2180 ON ON470 ON OFF330 OFF ONFigure 19.2.2. Microswitches 1 and 219.3. MODBUS ADRESSESNr. Name ModBus func.Dataad-dressQuan-tity ofdataDescription Values1 Antifrost 01h_Read_Coils 0 1 Plate heat exchanger frost protection function 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive2 Fire 01h_Read_Coils 1 1 Fire alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive3 Filter 01h_Read_Coils 2 1 Dirty filter alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive4 Fan 01h_Read_Coils 3 1 Fans alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive5 LowPower 01h_Read_Coils 5 1 Low voltage 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive6 Textract 01h_Read_Coils 6 1 DTJ(100) temperature sensor alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive7 Texhaust 01h_Read_Coils 7 1 Exhaust air temperature sensor alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive8 Tlimit 01h_Read_Coils 8 1 Supply air temperature sensor alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive9 RH 01h_Read_Coils 9 1 TJ(100) humidity sensor alarm (controller works in deter-mining the moisture content of 70%)1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive10 ReturnWater 01h_Read_Coils 10 1 Return water temperature sensor alarm 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive11 ToutDoor 01h_Read_Coils 11 1 Outside air temperature sensor alarm (controller continuesto work in determining ToutDoor<0C)1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive12 MotorActive 01h_Read_Coils 13 1 Fans ON 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive13 InDumpper 04h_Read_Input 14 1 Outside air damper actuator 0-9014 Preheater 01h_Read_Coils 12 1 Preheater indication 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive15 Heater 01h_Read_Coils 14 1 Heater indication 1 - a c t i v e ,o-passive16 Speed 06h_Write_Holding_Register 0 1 Fans speed settings 0, 1, 2, 317 TsetPoint 06h_Write_Holding_Register 1 1 Supply air temperature set 0-3018 RH_value 04h_Read_Input 13 1 DTJ(100) humidity sensor value 0-9919 Motor1 04h_Read_Input 15 1 Motor1 fan speed value 0-3