95.3. Temperature presetsThe controller allows you to set the followingtemperatures: Temperature setting for reservoir TsDHW Minimal collector temperature TCOLmin Critical collector temperature TCOLcr5.3.1. TsDHWTemperature setting for DHW reservoir is atemperature to which the controller will load heatby controlling the collector pump on the base oftemperature difference in T1-T2 sensors.Temperature setting forDHW reservoir (TsDHW)may be checked by placingthe cursor on T2 indicator.Bypressing the knob (DHWindicator will start fastblinking) you may openedition mode for theDHW temperaturepreset. Turn the knobto change the presetvalue. Thetemperatureselection step is 5°C. Press again the knob toconfirm the temperature change. If the cursor isleft in edition mode for 10 seconds or the knob isdepressed for 3 seconds, the controller will leavethe preset change mode and any made changewill be rejected.5.3.2. TCOLminMinimal collector temperature is a temperature inT1 sensor that allows loading heat to DHWreservoir, if the temperature difference makes itpossible. Below minimal collector temperature,the pump operation is stopped.To read minimal collectortemperature (TCOLmin)move the cursor to theindicator with sun symbol.Press the knob (sun symbolwill start fast blinking) toenter value editing mode.You may change the valueby turning the knob. Thetemperature selection step is10°C. Confirmation and leaving edition is thesame as for TsDHW preset.5.3.3. TCOLcrCritical collector temperature is such T1 sensortemperature that despite switching the collectorpump off, after the temperature setting isreached, will allow discharge increasing heat inthe collector.Critical collectortemperature setting(TCOLcr) may be readby moving the cursor toT1 indicator.Press the knob (T1indicator will start fastblinking) to enter valueediting mode. You may change the value byturning the knob. The temperature selection stepis 10°C. Confirmation and leaving edition is thesame as for TsDHWpreset.6. CONTROLLERSETTINGSCHANGE -OPTIONSAny option may beseen by moving thecursor to the option indicator (Fig. 5.4). To editoptions press the knob on the options indicator.The options icon will start fast blinking. Now,turning the knob you may browse through theoptions. To modify any option, press the knobwhen the option is selected. Ifselected option is active, the indicatorwill be blinking fast. If the option isinactive, the indicator will be blinkingslowly. The option values are shown on the left-hand side of the indicator.