30 EB 8310-6 ENOperation6 OperationCrush hazard arising from moving parts.The actuator contains moving parts (actuatorstem), which can injure hands or fingers ifinserted into the actuator.− Do not insert hands or fingers into the yokewhile the valve is in operation.− While working on the actuator, disconnectand lock the pneumatic air supply as wellas the control signal.Risk of personal injury when the actuatorvents.Wear eye protection when working in closeproximity to the control valve.Operating disturbed by a blocked actuatorstem.Do not impede the movement of the actuatorstem by inserting objects into its path.6.1 Throttling serviceThe Types 3271 and Type 3277 PneumaticActuators with 240, 350, and 700 cm² actu-ator areas are designed for a maximum sup-ply pressure of 6 bar when used for throt-tling service.6.2 On/off serviceIn on/off service, the supply pressure mustbe limited depending on the bench range oroperating range of the actuator. The applica-ble bench range or operating range whichthe actuator can move through is written onthe nameplate (see section 2.1).Actuator stem retracts (FE)For the direction of action "actuator stem re-tracts (FE)", the permissible supply pressuremust not exceed the upper bench range val-ue by more than 3 bar:Bench range Fail-safe ac-tionMax. sup-ply pres-sure0.2 to 1.0 barActuator stemretracts4 bar0.4 to 2.0 bar 5 bar0.6 to 3.0 bar 6 barActuator stem extends (FA)With fail-safe action "actuator stem extends"and travel stop, the supply pressure must notexceed the upper spring range value bymore than 1.5 bar.Additional points that apply concerning op-eration:Î Label actuator with reduced supply pres-sure with a sticker ("Max. supply pres-sure limited to ... bar").Î Only apply the signal pressure to the sig-nal pressure connection (S) on the dia-phragm chamber of the actuator whichdoes not contain any springs (see Fig. 3).WARNING!WARNING!NOTICE!