12 EB 8340 ENInstallationThe mounting position of the valve deter-mines how the actuator is mounted (see as-sociated control valve documentation).We recommend installing valves in sizeslarger than DN 100 upright with the actua-tor on top to facilitate valve maintenance.Î Observe the clearance required to re-move the cover or entire actuator (seedimensional drawings in section 8).4.2 Assembling valve and ac-tuatorProceed as follows if the valve and actuatorhave not been assembled by SAMSON, pro-ceed as follows (Fig. 3):Î Check whether the actuator stem is re-tracted.Î Perform electrical connections of actuatorwith electric override (section 5). Discon-nect isolating terminal 81 and retract theactuator stem electrically (section 6.1).Î For versions with mechanical override,press the button on the top of the hous-ing. Use an Allen key to operate therack-and-pinion gear to retract the actu-ator stem.Î For versions with "actuator stem extends"fail-safe action, the power supply mustremain connected to L and N whilemounting the actuator to keep the actua-tor stem in the top end position.DN 15 to 80 (Series 240)1. Replace the stem connector nut (9.3, withan external Ø10 mm) on the valve plugstem (9.5) with a Ø16 mm nut (order no.0250-0674).2. Turn the stem connector nut (9.3) andadjust the dimension x to 75 mm with aclosed valve and tighten lock nut (9.4).3. Place the actuator onto the valve bonnetand secure using the ring nut (8.1).4. Push the plug stem (9.5) upward. Con-nect the stem connector nut (9.3) and ac-tuator stem (5.6) using the stem connec-tor clamps (8.2) and fasten together us-ing the screws.5. Move the valve to the end position andalign the travel indicator scale (9.2) withthe tip of the stem connector.DN 100 to 150 (Series 240, 250, and 280,KVS 40 to 160)1. Check dimension x = 90 mm. If neces-sary, readjust by turning the stem con-nector nut (9.3).2. Place actuator onto the valve bonnet andsecure using the ring nut (8.1).3. Fasten the stem connector nut (9.3) andactuator stem (5.6) to the stem connectorclamps (8.2).4. Move the actuator stem to the lower endposition. Align the travel indicator scale(9.2) with the tip of the stem connector(8.2) and screw tight.NoteTip