36 EB 8310-5 ENServicingTo prevent the O-ring from being dam-aged, use a suitable tool to slide theO-ring onto the actuator stem and to po-sition it correctly.10. Screw the nut (A33) against the com-pressor (A35). On tightening against theglued hexagon nut (with 175 cm²) or on-to the slotted nut (with 750 cm²), use asuitable tool to hold it stationary. Ob-serve tightening torques. Make sure thatthe diaphragm does not turn.11. Apply a suitable lubricant to the actuatorstem (A7).12. Place the diaphragm plate assembly con-sisting of the actuator stem (A7), dia-phragm plate (A5), and diaphragm (A4)into the bottom diaphragm case (A2).13. Place the springs (A10) in the diaphragmplate (A5), centering them in the intend-ed recesses.14. Place on the top diaphragm case (A1).Ensure that the compressed air connec-tions on the cases (A1, A2) are correctlyaligned with each other.15. If necessary, preload the springs (seesection 5.2).16. Fasten the top and bottom diaphragmcases (A1, A2) together using the nuts(A21) and bolts (A20). Tighten the nutsevenly. Observe tightening torques.17. Mount the actuator on the valve (see sec-tion 5.1).Version with direction of action "actuatorstem retracts" (FE)1. Lift the actuator off the valve. See sec-tion 9.2.2. Unscrew the nuts (A21) and bolts (A20)on the diaphragm case.A7 A4A36A33A9A35A5A17A36A33A7A17A35A4A5A34A4 DiaphragmA5 Diaphragm plateA7 Actuator stemA9 NutA17 O-ringA33 NutA34 Slotted nutA35 CompressorA36 SpacerFig. 12: Arrangement of parts for "stem retracts" direction of action (left: 175 cm²; right: 750 cm²)