24 EB 8115 ENMounting and start-upÎ On mounting valve accessories, makesure that they can be operated from theworkplace of the operating personnel.The workplace of operating personnel is thelocation from which the valve, actuator andany mounted valve accessories can be ac-cessed to operate them.5.2.2 Additional fittingsStrainersWe recommend installing a SAMSONstrainer upstream of the valve. It prevents sol-id particles in the process medium fromdamaging the valve.Bypass and shut-off valvesWe recommend installing a shut-off valveboth upstream of the strainer and down-stream of the valve and installing a bypassline. The bypass ensures that the plant doesnot need to be shut down for service and re-pair work on the valve.5.2.3 Installing the controlvalve1. Close the shut-off valve in the pipelinewhile the valve is being installed.2. Remove the protective caps from thevalve ports before installing the valve.3. Lift the valve using suitable lifting equip-ment to the site of installation (see sec-tion 4.2.2). Observe the flow directionthrough the valve. The arrow on thevalve indicates the direction of flow.4. Make sure that the correct flange gasketsare used.5. Bolt the pipe to the valve free of stress.6. Depending on the field of application,allow the valve to cool down or heat upto reach ambient temperature beforestart up.7. Slowly open the shut-off valve in thepipeline after the valve has been in-stalled.Risk of valve damage due to a sudden pres-sure increase and resulting high flow veloci-ties.Slowly open the shut-off valve in the pipelineduring start-up.8. Check the valve to ensure it functionsproperly.5.3 Preparing for operationProceed as follows:Î Flush the pipelines.Î Check the valve to make sure it is clean.Risk of contamination of the process mediumthrough the use of unsuitable lubricant and/or contaminated tools and components.− Keep the valve and the tools used free fromsolvents and grease.− Make sure that only suitable lubricants areused.NoteNOTICE!NOTICE!