EB 2723 EN 21Mounting and start-upPossible malfunction and damage due to ad-verse weather conditions (temperature, hu-midity).− Do not install the device outdoors or inrooms prone to frost.− Protect the regulator against frost if it isused to control freezing media.− Either heat the regulator or remove it fromthe plant and completely drain the residualmedium after a plant shutdown.5.2 Additional fittingsStrainerDo not install a strainer upstream ofType 44-4 and Type 44-8 Safety Excess Pres-sure Valves.A strainer installed upstream in the flow pipeholds back any dirt or other foreign particlescarried along by the medium. For example,the SAMSON Type 1 NI Strainer is suitable(u T 1010).The following points must be observedduring installation of the strainer:− Install the strainer upstream of theType 44-7 Regulator.− Allow sufficient space to remove the filter.− Observe the flow direction.NOTICE!NOTICE!− In horizontal pipelines with gases or liq-uids, the filter element faces downward.The filter element faces sideways in ap-plications with steam.− Install strainers in vertical pipelines withthe medium flowing upward with thedrain plug facing upward.Check the strainer at regular intervals andclean it, if necessary.Shut-off valveInstall a hand-operated shut-off valve bothupstream of the strainer and downstream ofthe regulator (see Fig. 5). This allows theplant to be shut down for cleaning andmaintenance, and when the plant is not usedfor longer periods of time.Pressure gaugesInstall a pressure gauge both upstream anddownstream of the regulator to monitor thepressures prevailing in the plant (see Fig. 5).Note