127. To set the playback volume in theheadphones, adjust the Output volumeslider at the bottom of the Sound dialogbox (figure 15) or press the pushbuttonson the mic.At this point you can begin using yourmicrophone with most any audio recordingsoftware, but you need to select it as an inputand output device within the DAW. Whenselecting the inputs and outputs just look forand select the Q2U.When recording in your DAW withsoftware monitoring turned on, you mayexperience a delay on the signal playback,commonly know as latency. The amountof latency depends on the speed of yourcomputer, available memory and thenumber of tracks you are recording. Youcan set the Q2U to Direct Monitor mode tolisten to the signal directly off the input ofthe microphone to eliminate the latency.Using the Direct Monitor1. To turn direct monitoring on or off, openthe Audio/MIDI Setup (figure 16) utilitylocated in the Utility folder inside theApplications folder.2. Now click the checkbox in the Thrucolumn in Audio/MIDI Setup.Figure 15Figure 16Installing the Q2U