14 EnglishBasic Features3. After you have changed the settings, the channel listfor each group can be viewed in my channels.Channel ListYou can see all the channels searched.Channel Menu¦ Retuning ChannelsAntenna (Air / Cable)Before your television can begin memorizing the availablechannels, you must specify the type of signal source that isconnected to the TV (i.e. an Air or a Cable system).CountryThe PIN input screen appears. Enter your 4 digit PIN number.■ Digital Channel: Change the country for digitalchannels.■ Analogue Channel: Change the country for analoguechannels.Auto StoreScans for a channel automatically and stores in the TV.✎ Automatically allocated programme numbers may notcorrespond to actual or desired programme numbers. Ifa channel is locked using the Child Lock function, thePIN input window appears.■ Antenna Source (Air / Cable)t: Select theantenna source to memorise.■ Channel Source (Digital & Analogue / Digital /Analogue): Select the channel source to memorise.When selecting Cable → Digital & Analogue or Digital:Provide a value to scan for cable channels.Search Mode (Full / Network / Quick): Scans for allchannels with active broadcast stations and stores themin the TV.✎ If you select Quick, you can set up the Network,Network ID, Frequency, Modulation andSymbol Rate manually by pressing the button onthe remote control.Network (Auto / Manual): Selects the Network IDsetting mode among Auto or Manual.Network ID: When Network is Manual, you can set upNetwork ID using the numeric buttons.Frequency: Displays the frequency for the channel.(differs in each country)Modulation: Displays available modulation values.Symbol Rate: Displays available symbol rates.Manual StoreScans for a channel manually and stores in the TV.✎ If a channel is locked using the Child Lock function,the PIN input window appears.■ Digital Channel: When scanning has finished, channelsare updated in the channel list.✎ When selecting Antenna → Air: Channel,Frequency, Bandwidth✎ When selecting Antenna → Cable: Frequency,Modulation, Symbol Rate■ Analogue Channel (Programme, Colour System,Sound System, Channel, Search): If there is abnormalsound or no sound, reselect the sound standardrequired.✎ Channel modex P (programme mode): When tuning is complete,the broadcasting stations in your area have beenassigned to position numbers from P0 to P99. Youcan select a channel by entering the position numberin this mode.x C (aerial channel mode) / S (cable channel mode):These two modes allow you to select a channelby entering the assigned number for each aerialbroadcasting station or cable channel.CH LISTc 1 1futech2 * 24ore.tv15 abc13 BBC World23 bid-up.tv33 Boonerang32 Cartoon Nwk5 Class News4 \ Coming Soon27 DiscoveryrAir Antenna B Zoom Select Sort k Page T ToolsChannelsEdit My ChannelsLockTimer ViewingTimer RecordingEdit Channel NumberDelete dAllTVRadioData/OtherAnalogue