Product SpecificationsSamsung Electronics 2-3Q Convenience with more added detailst &BTJFSUIBO&WFSUP$MFBOUIF#MBEFOther products require you to disassemble and remove the panelin order to clean the blade, but our product is designed so that theblade safely and easily detaches and re-attaches, enabling you toeasily clean it.Q Rich and pleasant cooling/heating without gaps (cont.)t 4FMGEJBHOPTUJDGVODUJPOPGJOEPPSVOJUUPNJOJNJ[Finconvenience in case of malfunctionIf the indoor unit malfunctions due to equipment failureduring operation, the type of problem can be checked fromthe panel display, and the service time and inconvenience canbe minimized by submitting a service request based on theinformation from the self diagnostics of indoor unit.t .JOJNVNJOTUBMMBUJPODPTUCZCVJMUJOIJHIIFBEESBJOQVNQThe high head pump is built into the indoor unit and thecondensed water generated during the cooling operation willbe drained to the outside. The pumping height can be up to750mm so that drain pip installation can be easier and savetime and cost of installation.t *OEJWJEVBM#MBEF$POUSPM- Capable of realizing optimal air current in accordance tocustomer preference and diverse structures located indifferent directions through individual control of each of the4 blades.- Individual control can be realized through both cable andwireless remote control.