Setting the Delay Time43 445.3 ms10.6 ms15.9 ms• Setting REAR (SURROUND) SPEAKERSIf the distance of Df is equal to the distance of Dsin the figure, set the mode as 0ms. Otherwise,change the setting according to the table.• Setting CENTER SPEAKERIf the distance of Dc is equal to or longer thanthe distance of Df in the figure, set the mode as0ms. Otherwise, change the setting according tothe table.Distance between Df and Dc Delay TimeDelay Time1.3 ms2.6 ms3.9 ms5.3 msDistance between Ds and Dc50100150200200400600Setting up the Speaker Delay TimeWhen 5.1CH Surround Sound is played, you can enjoy the best sound ifthe distance between you and each speaker is the same. Since the soundsarrive at the listening position at different times depending on theplacement of speakers, you can adjust this difference by adding a delayeffect to the sound of the Center Speaker and Surround Speakers.Df: The distance from FRONT SPEAKERDc: The distance from CENTER SPEAKERDs: The distance from SURROUND SPEAKERIdeal CENTERSPEAKER placementIt is desirable to place all speakers within this circle.IdealSURROUNDSPEAKERplacementSETUP21 Press MENU button.Press Cursor buttonto move to ‘Audio’ andthen press ENTERbutton.• You can set the delay time for Cbetween 00 and 05mSEC and forLS and RS between 00 and15mSEC.43 5Press Cursor buttonto move to ‘DELAYTIME’ and then pressENTER button.Press Cursor , ,, buttons to moveto the desiredspeaker and thenpress ENTER button.Press Cursor ,to set the Delaytime.