92K4 (Number ofpress) KEY operation Display on segmentSEG 1 SEG2, 3, 425 times Current frequency (Compressor 1) P 120 Hz 1,2,026 times Current frequency (Compressor 2) Q 120 Hz 1,2,027 times Suction 2 temperature R -42 °C -, 4, 228 times Master indoor unit address S Master indoor unit not selected BLANK, N, DIf indoor unit No.1 is selected as the master unit 0, 0, 1(a) When pressing K4 key 1 time, below number is displayed on segment depending on model.Model Display on segmentAM072✴✴✴ Off, 0, 8AM096✴✴✴ Off, 1, 0AM120✴✴✴ Off, 1, 2AM144✴✴✴ Off, 1, 4AM168✴✴✴ Off, 1, 8AM192✴✴✴ Off, 2, 0AM216✴✴✴ Off, 2, 2K4 (Number ofpress)Press and hold theK4 to enter thesettingDisplayed contentDisplay on segmentpage1 page21 time Main version MAIN Version (ex. 1412)2 times Hub version HUB Version (ex. 1412)3 times Inverter 1 version INV1 Version (ex. 1412)4 times Inverter 2 version INV2 Version (ex. 1412)5 times Fan 1 version FAN1 Version (ex. 1412)6 times Fan 2 version FAN2 Version (ex. 1412)7 times EEP version EEP Version (ex. 1412)8 times Automatically assigned address of the units AUTOSEG1 SEG2 SEG3, 4Indoor unit: “A”MCU: “C”Indoor unit: “0”MCU: “1”Address(ex: 07)9 times Manually assigned address of the units MANUSEG1 SEG2 SEG3, 4Indoor unit: “A” Indoor unit: “0” Address(ex: 15)Setting outdoor unit option switch and key functionk}tGzG㨰䛙G㐘㞬ὤGptluki]_TWZ_XYhTW_UGGG`Y YWX_TW]TXXGGG㝘䟸G[a[_a\X