2-3Samsung ElectronicsOperating Instructions1. AUTO MODE : In this mode, operationmode(COOL, HEAT) is selected automati-cally by the room temperature of initialoperation.∆T= -1°C, -2°C, 0°C, +1°C, +2°C∆T is controlled by setting temperatureup/down key of remote control2. COOL MODE : The unit operates accord-ing to the difference between the settingand room temperature. (18°C~30°C)3. HEAT MODE : The unit operates accord-ing to the difference between the settingand room temperature.(16°C~30°C)*Prevention against cold wind : In order toprevent the cool air from flowing out atthe heat mode, the indoor fan does notoperate or operates very slowly in thefollowing cases. At this time, the indoorheat exchanger will be preheating.- For 3~5 minutes after the initialoperation- For deicing operation- The operation of an indoor fan inaccordance with the temperature of anindoor heat exchanger*High temperature release function : It is afunction to detect an outdoor overload bythe sensor of an indoor heat exchangerand to turn the outdoor fan or thecompressor ON/OFF for safety.*Deice : Deicing operation is controlledby indoor unit's heat exchanger tempera-ture and accumulating time of compres-sor's operation.Deice ends by sensing of the processingtime by deice condition.4. DRY MODE : Has 3 states, each deter-mined by room temperature.The unit operates in DRY mode.*Compressor ON/OFF Time is controlledcompulsorily(can not set up the fanspeed, always breeze).*Protective function : Low temperaturerelease. (Prevention against freeze)5. TURBO MODE : This mode is available inAUTO, COOL, HEAT, DRY, FAN MODE.When this button is pressed at first, theair conditioner is operated “powerful”state for 30 minutes regardless of the settemperature, room temperature.When this button is pressed again, orwhen the operating time is 30 minutes,turbo operation mode is canceled andreturned to the previous mode.*But, if you press the TURBO button inDRY or FAN mode that is changed withAUTO mode automatically.6. SLEEP MODE : Sleep mode is availableonly in COOL or HEAT mode.The operation will stop after 6 hours.*In COOL mode : The setting temperatureis automatically raised by 1°C each 1hourWhen the temperature has been raised bytotal of 2°C, that temperature is main-tained.*In HEAT mode : The setting temperatureis automatically dropped by 1°C each1hour.When the temperature has been droppedby total of 2°C, that temperature is main-tained.Room TempTr≥ 21°C+∆T21°C +∆T>TrOperation TypeCool Operation (Set Temp:24˚C+∆T)Heat Operation (Set Temp:22˚C+∆T)2-1-1 Name & Function of Key in remote controlThe temperature ofindoor heat exchangerbelow 28˚C28˚C~below 34˚C34˚C~below 40˚Cabove 40˚CIndoor fan speedoffLL SpeedL SpeedSetting Speed