UPDA TE LOG SHEETApplication date Page Part# Note(Cause & Solution) S/Bulletin#Use this page to keep any special servicing information. (Service Bulletin, etc.)If only parts number changes, Just change parts number directly on parts list.And if you need more information, please see the service bulletinCopyright®œ 1995 by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.This manual may not, in whole or in part, becopied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, orconverted to any electronic or machine readablefrom without prior written permission ofSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd.SyncMaster 17GLi/CMG7387L Service ManualFirst edition June 1995.Printed in Korea.TrademarksSamsung is a registered trademark andSyncMaster 17GLi/CMG7387L and MacMasterCable Adapter are trademark of SamsungElectronics Co., Ltd.Macintosh, Centris, Quadra, Duo Dock, andPower Macintosh are trademark of Applecomputer, Inc.All other trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.