12-812-2-7.Outdoor temperature sensor errorIndoor display ⊙ ○ ⊙ Outdoor errorOutdoor display ⊙ ○ ⊙ Outdoor temperature sensorerror1.Checklist :1) Is the sensor connected correctly?2) Is the sensor placed correctly?3) Does the both terminal of sensor satisfy the resistance value in accordance with temperature?4) Is the resistance value of sensor connection pull-up correct?2-1. Troubleshooting procedure (ASV18P**)2-2. Troubleshooting procedure (ASV24P**)Isthe sensor resistance value #1-#210kohm ±3% at the roomtemperatureof 25℃Sensor ReplaceSensorresistance value : 20℃ -12.09kohm30℃ -8.31kohm35℃ -6.94kohm40℃ -5.83kohmNOYESYESYESIsthe sensor connector(CN251)connected correctly in accordancewith a color(BLU,6PIN)?Reconnect the sensor connector.NOBelow 0.5V or Over 4.5V?Connectthe sensor to PBA connector (6pin)supply power and measure the voltage of #1-#2 inthe connectorExchangethe Outdoor PBANOMicom error or connector checkExchangethe Outdoor PBAYESIsthe sensor resistance value #1-#210kohm ±3% at the roomtemperature of 25℃Sensor ReplaceSensorresistance value : 20℃ -12.09kohm30℃ -8.31kohm35℃ -6.94kohm40℃ -5.83kohmNOYESYESYESIsthe sensor connector(CN502)connected correctly in accordancewith a color(RED,4pin)?Reconnect the sensor connector.NOBelow 0.5V or Over 4.5V?Connectthe sensor to PBA connector(4pin)supply power and measure the voltage of #1-#2 inthe connectorExchangethe Outdoor PBANOMicom error or connector checkExchangethe Outdoor PBAYES