14Indoor Unit InstallationEnglishInstallationStep 2-1 Attaching the mountingbracket to the wall1 Hold the mounting bracket against the wall at theselected installation position (Step 1-3 on page 8),making sure that the screw holes align with the center ofthe studs in the wall. If the screw locations do not alignwith the studs, use wall anchors.CAUTION࡛ The recommended best practice is to attach themounting bracket directly to the studs in the wall. Ifyou did not find a suitable location with studs (in Step1-3 on page 8), or if the wall is concrete, you mustuse wall anchors of a suitable type and weight capacity,and install them according to the manufacturer’sinstructions. Failure to do so may cause the materialsurrounding the joints to crumble over time and thescrews to be loosened and stripped. This may resultin the unit falling from the wall, which could causephysical injury or equipment damage.2 Using a level, make sure that the mounting bracket islevel, then mark the location of the screw holes on thewall.3 If using wall anchors, install them at the screw holepositions, following the manufacturer’s instructions.4 Using six field-supplied mounting screws and anchors (ifapplicable), attach the bracket to the wall.Screw Location x 4eaLevelStep 2-2 Drilling the wall penetration1 Determine the position of the hole through which thepiping bundle (consisting of power and communicationcables, refrigerant pipes, and the drain hose) will pass.Consider the following: ࣞThe hole inner diameter must be 2.5 inches(65 mm). ࣞThe recommended hole location is behind the unitso that the hole and the piping bundle will notbe visible in the room. The minimum distancesbetween the hole and the mounting bracket are:ab cPossible positions for hole behind unitCenter of indoor unit (B)Center of indoor unit (A)Unit: inch(mm)Model a b c**07TSFY*****09TSFY*****12TSFY***A 6.49(165) 12.00(305) 16.37(416)**07TSFA*****09TSFA*****12TSFA*****15*******B 6.49(165) 12.00(305) 19.13(486)**18*********24******* A 5.90(150) 12.00(305) 25.61(650.5) ࣞIf the hole cannot be positioned behind the unit,find a position as close to the unit as possible. Thepiping bundle that exits the unit and extends to thehole will need to be attached to the wall and will bevisible inside the room. ࣞIn relation to the bracket shown above, the unit isshipped with the drain hose connection on the right, thedrain hose exits the unit on the left, and the refrigerantpipes are bent to exit on the left. Thus, positioning thehole to the left (A/B or outside the unit) requires theleast effort. If you position the hole to the right (C/Dor outside the unit) or below the unit, you will need tomove the drain hose connection to the left and bendthe pipes so that the hose and pipes exit to the right orbottom. See the figure in step 3 on page 15.