E-5ENGLISH Install the air conditioneravoiding direct sunlight orheater, especially water. Install the outdoor unit so asto let the discharged air outproperly. Avoid a place thatmay disturb your neighbor bynoise. Install the drain hose to letthe water run safely andcorrectly.WHEN INSTALLING Install the outdoor unit not to reach heat to thepassage or higher than 2m from the ground wheninstalling it on the road.WARNING Before throwing out thedevice, it is necessary to pullback the battery cells and getrid of them safely for recyclingreasons. Please recycle or disposeof the packaging materialfor this product in anenvironmentally responsiblemanner.DISPOSING THE UNIT When you need to dispose ofthe unit, consult your dealer.If pipes are removedincorrectly, refrigerant mayblow out and come intocontact with your skin, causinginjury. Releasing refrigerantinto the atmosphere alsodamages the environments.CAUTION