GB27Selecting the Cassette TypeIf you wish to use the tape counter to display the time remaining ona cassette, you must indicate the type of cassette inserted.1 Press MENU on the remote control.Result: The MAIN MENU is displayed.2 Press the corresponding ,❷ or ➛, ❿ buttons to select theVCR FUNCTION SETUP option.3 Press the ENTER button to select this option.4 Press the corresponding or ❷ buttons, until the TapeSelect option is selected.5 Press the ➛ or ❿ buttons as many times as required, until thecorrect cassette length is displayed.E180 E240E300 E2606 Press RETURN twice to exit the menu.You can set repeat play to repeat the tape continuously frombeginning to end.1 Press MENU on the remote control.Result: The MAIN MENU is displayed.2 Press the corresponding ,❷ or ➛, ❿ buttons to select theVCR FUNCTION SETUP option.3 Press the ENTER button to select this option.Result: The VCR FUNCTION SETUP menu is displayed.4 Press the corresponding or ❷ buttons, until the RepeatPlay option is selected.5 To... Press ➛ or ❿, until...Repeat play ON is displayed.Do not wish to repeat play OFF is displayed.6 On completion, press RETURN twice to exit the menu.Auto Repeat PlayVCRVCRMAIN MENUVCR FUNCTION SETUPRETURN ❷➛❿ ENTERºVCR FUNCTION SETUPTape Select ➛ ❿ E180Repeat Play OffOSD OnRETURN ❷E180E240E260E300MAIN MENUVCR FUNCTION SETUPRETURN ❷➛❿ ENTERVCR FUNCTION SETUPTape Select E180Repeat Play ➛ ❿ OffOSD OnRETURN ❷OffOnThe Auto Power Off feature automatically turns off your DVD-VCRif no signal is received and you do not press any button for theselected time.1 Press MENU on the remote control.Result: The MAIN MENU is displayed.2 Press the corresponding ,❷ or ➛, ❿ buttons to select theUSER SET option.3 Press the ENTER button to select this option.Result: The USER SET menu is displayed.4 Press the corresponding or ❷ buttons, until the AUTO POWEROFF option is selected.5 Press the ❿ button, until you select the time of Auto Power offinterval.OFF 2HOUR 3HOUR6 On completion, press RETURN twice to exit the menu.RRr Off10/17/03 12:41 PM Page 26