1.6 CHAPTER ONE : Y OUR NEW TVY O U R N E W T VRemote Control¯ ResetIf your remote control is not func-tioning properly, take out the bat-teries and press the reset buttonfor about 2~3 seconds. Re-insertthe batteries and try using theremote control again.˘ DisplayPress to see the time, channel,etc., on-screen. Also press to exit(quit) the menu system.¿ SleepPress to select a preset time inter-val for automatic shutoff.¸ VCR ControlsStopPress this button to stop a tapeduring play, record, rewind orfast forward. If the button ispressed during Full-Automaticplay, the function will be can-celled.REW (Rewind)Press to rewind a tape in yourVCR.Play/PausePress the Play/Pausebutton toplay back prerecorded tapes orpause the tape.FFPress to fast forward the tape inyour VCR.˛ DNIeActivates DNIe (Digital NaturalImage engine).◊ SetUse this button when you are set-ting up your remote control tooperate your VCR, Cable box, orDVD).± R.surfPress the R.SURF button to auto-matically return to a preferredchannel after a user-preset timedelay.≠ Add/ErasePress to add or erase channels inthe TV’s memory.– PIP ControlsSourcePress to select one of the availablesignal sources for the PIP window(i.e., AV1, AV2, AV3).StillPress to stop the action during aparticular scene. Press again toresume normal video.Note: The still function doesn’toperate in Component 1, 2 mode.LocatePress to move the PIP window toany of the four corners of the TVscreen.SwapExchanges the video signal that iscurrently displayed on the mainscreen with the signal in the PIPwindow.SizePress to make the PIP windowsmall, large, double screen orstock ticker window.CHDisplays the available channels insequence (These buttons changechannels in the PIP window only).