PRINTING TASKS4.6Layout tabThe Layout tab provides options for you to adjust how thedocument appears on the printed page. The Layout Optionsincludes Multiple Pages per Side, Booklet Printing, andPoster. You can also use Duplex(Double-sided Duplex) inthis tab. See page 4.3 for more information on accessing yoursoftware application.Property DescriptionOrientation Orientation allows you to select thedirection in which information is printedon a page.• Portrait prints across the width of thepage, letter style.• Landscape prints across the length ofthe page, spreadsheet style.If you want to turn the page upsidedown, select Rotate 180 Degrees.LayoutOptionsLayout Options allows you to selectadvanced printing options. For details ,see Chapter 5, "Advanced Printing."Duplex(Double-Sided Duplex)Duplex(Double-Sided Duplex)allows you to automatically print two-sided documents. If you use the printerdriver’s default setting, select PrinterSetting. For details, see page 5.3.123The preview imageshows the sample pagewith the settings youspecified.1Landscapeportrait23