TroubleshootingService Manual 4-38 Samsung ElectronicsCode NVM Description(GUI) Default Max/ Min Function Description110-040 LD Power Yellow 100 250/10 * This PWM sets the laser intensity to be shoot on OPC.* Default 100, 95 PWM are approximately 0.254mW, 0.241mW.* This value changes +0.0026mw per +1 PWM.* This value is to check the normal state of HVPS,LSU.* The value set on EDC manually is not applied to the real printing.* At real printing, the value is applied by the Look-Up Tableconsidering the environment and life automatically.110-050 LD Power Magenta 95 250/10110-060 LD Power Cyan 95 250/10110-070 LD Power Black (LDLight Level Black)95 250/10111-000 Toner Vcon Yellow 175 255/90 * This value is the TC sensor control voltage PWM to adjust thetoner density.* Default is 175. But, if the new imaging unit is installed, PWM willbe changed after TC Sensor Initialization.* Default 175 PWM is approximately 8.15V.* This value changes 0.01V per +1 PWM.* This value is to check the normal state of the toner densitysensor output.* The value set on EDC manually is not applied to the real printing.* At real printing, the value is applied by the Look-Up Tableconsidering the environment and life automatically.111-010 Toner Vcon Magenta 175 255/90111-020 Toner Vcon Cyan 175 255/90111-030 Toner Vcon Black 175 255/90111-060 Toner T/C Upper LimitYellow5 100/0 * This value is the ADC to control the toner density.* 5 ADC (for initial toner only) is the target+0.5wt%(9.0wt%)* The more the value increase, the more the toner densityincrease.111-070 Toner T/C Upper LimitMagenta5 100/0111-080 Toner T/C Upper LimitCyan5 100/0111-090 Toner T/C Upper LimitBlack5 100/0111-100 Toner T/C Lower LimitYellow140 250/10 * This value is the ADC to contol the toner density.* 140 ADC(for initial toner only) is the Target -1wt% (7.5 wt%).* The more the value decrease, the more the toner densitydecrease.111-110 Toner T/C Lower LimitMagenta140 250/10111-120 Toner T/C Lower LimitCyan140 250/10111-130 Toner T/C Lower LimitBlack140 250/10111-140 Toner Target Yellow 128 250/10 * This value is the ADC to control the toner density.* In case of 128 ADC (for initial toner only), toner density is8.5wt%.* The more the value increase, the more the toner densitydecrease.* The more the value decrease, the more the toner densityincrease.* You must input the value less than lower limit.111-150 Toner Target Magenta 128 250/10111-160 Toner Target Cyan 128 250/10111-170 Toner Target Black 128 250/10