Repeat Play Program Play & Random PlayRepeat the current track, chapter, title, a chosen section (A-B), or all of the disc(VCD/CD only).When playing a DVD11 Press the REPEAT button on the remote. Repeatscreen appears.22 Select Chapter, Title or A-B using theLEFT/RIGHT button.- A-B Repeat• Press the REPEAT button. Select A-B on screen with theLEFT/RIGHT button. Or press the A-B button on the remote.• Press ENTER at the point where you want the repeat play tostart (A). The B is automatically highlighted.• Press ENTER at the point where you want the repeat play tostop (B).33 Press ENTER.44 To return to normal play press REPEAT again,then press the LEFT/RIGHT button to select Offand press ENTER.Off Chapter Title A-BOff Track DISC A-BPROGRAM RANDOMNOTE• DVD repeats play by chapter or title, CD and VCD repeat play by disc or track.• Depending on the disc, the Repeat function may not work.• If the title or track is completed before marking the end (B), the end of title or track becomes B automatically.• When in VCD 2.0 mode (MENU ON mode), this function does not work.NOTE• Depending on the disc, the Program and Random Play function may not work.• When in VCD 2.0 mode (MENU ON mode), these functions do not work.• To resume normal play, press the CLEAR button.DVDVCD/CDProgram Play (DVD/VCD/CD)Random Play (DVD/VCD/CD)11 Press the MODE button.22 Use the LEFT/RIGHT button to select PROGRAM.Press the ENTER button.33 Use the LEFT/RIGHT button to select the firstchapter (or track) to add to the program. Pressthe ENTER button. The selection numbers appearin the Program Order box.44 Press the PLAY/PAUSE button. The disc will beplayed in programmed order.11 Press the MODE button.22 Use the LEFT/RIGHT button to select RANDOM.Press the ENTER button.The disc will be played in random order.BASICFUNCTIONS18 19