Samsung Electronics 4-134-2 Appropriate Measures for Different Symptom■ Error due to repeated address setting(when 2 or more devices has same address within the network). (E-108)Outdoor unit Display E-108Indoor unit DisplayOperation Defrost Timer Fan Filter / EMI× × ◑ ◑ ×※ ● : ON ◑: Flash ×: OFFJudgement Method • Refer the next page.Cause of problem • Indoor unit and MCU address duplication.After completely tracking the outdoor unit, checkthe occurrence of E108.Has E108 occurred?YesYesCheck the rotary switch of the address of theinstalled MCU to check any duplicate address.End.Check the machine where the erroroccurred in the outdoor unit display :- If SEG1 is A, an indoor unit; and- If SEG1 is C, MCU.Find a unit whose address is duplicated in themanual address view on the view mode of theoutdoor unit display. (If there is an address thatdoes not appear in the manual address view eventhough a unit is actually installed, the address isduplicated.)Ex.) When the following is displayed in the viewmode at the site where No. 0 to 4 are installed,possible to judge that the address of no. 3 indoorunit is duplicated. A000 ⇀ A001 ⇀ A002 ⇀ A004E108 occurringmachineNoMCUReplace Inverter PCB.Replace Inverter PCB.Check the manual addressview in the view mode.(Press and hold K4 switch to enter)※ K3 resetWhen the system is reset through K3 reset, the previous error(E108) on the display is sometimes indicated. This indicatesthe error left previously in the indoor unit during the courseof performing resetting and addressing the whole systemafter the outdoor unit is reset. When addressing is completed,the error indication disappears (up to 5 minutes required).※ Whole system power reset- To solve the problem through the power reset afterthe address is reset the power reset of individual unitsis meaningless and the power of the whole systemmust be reset.