51Using ABC ModeThe default case is lower case (abc). Enter upper and lowercase alphabet letters by touching the Shift key to togglethe case, before touching the letter keys.• Touch once to switch from abc to Abc mode .• Touch twice to switch to ABC mode. When ABC mode isenabled, the Shift key background turns blue and allfollowing letters will be uppercase until you touch theShift key again.Using Numeric and Symbol ModeUse Numeric and Symbol Mode to add numbers, symbols, oremoticons.1. Rotate your phone counterclockwise to a Landscapeorientation.2. Touch at the bottom of the screen.3. Touch the desired number, symbol, or emoticoncharacters.4. Touch the button to access additional symbols.5. Touch to return to Abc mode.Configuring the Samsung KeyboardConfigure the Samsung keyboard to your preferences. While entering text, touch and hold Options, thenselect Settings in the pop-up menu. For moreinformation, refer to “Samsung Keyboard” on page 175.Predictive TextThe Predictive Text option provides next-letter prediction andregional error correction, which compensates for touchingthe wrong keys on the QWERTY keyboard. Predictive text isturned on by default.1. Touch and hold Options on the keyboard, thentouch Settings. The Samsung keyboard settingsscreen displays.2. Touch the OFF/ON button to turn Predictive textON .3. While entering characters, potential word matchesdisplay in the Predictive text area above the keyboard.Touch a word to insert it into your text.Note: Predictive Text mode is available for landscape orportrait orientation.SymSym1/21/2ABC