HEALTH AND SAFETY58● Do not engage in stressful or emotionalconversations;● Let the person with whom you are speaking knowthat you are driving and will suspend the call ifnecessary;● Do not take notes or look up phone numbers whiledriving;Notice regarding legal restrictions on mountingthisdevice in an automobile:Laws in some states may prohibit mounting thisdevice on or near the windshield of an automobile.In other states, the law may permit mounting thisdevice only in specific locations in the automobile. Besure to consult the state and local laws or ordinanceswhere you drive before mounting this device in anautomobile. Failure to comply with these restrictionscould result in fines, penalties, or other damages.Never mount this device in a manner that willobstruct the driver’s clear view of the street andtraffic.Never use wireless data services such as textmessaging,Web browsing, or e-mail while operatinga vehicle.cricket_GSIII_QRM.indd 58 10/26/2012 2:46:06 PM