6 Set Up Your DeviceGetting StartedSet Up Your DeviceTurn Your Device On or OffThe instructions below explain how to turn yourdevice on or off.Turn the Device On► Press and hold the Power key until the deviceturns on.Turn the Device Off1. Press and hold the Power key until theDevice options menu is displayed.2. Tap Power off, and confirm if prompted.Initial Set UpThe first time you turn your device on, the Welcomescreen is displayed. It guides you through the basicsof setting up your device.Follow the prompts to choose a default language,connect to a Wi-Fi® network, set up accounts,choose location services, learn about your device’sfeatures, and more.Note: Voice Assistant provides voice prompts anddescriptions of items on the screen to improveaccessibility. During setup, you can enable or disableVoice Assistant by pressing the Home key quicklythree times.Secure Your DeviceUse your device’s screen lock features to secureyour device.Lock the DeviceBy default, the device locks automatically when thescreen times out.To lock the device:► Press the Power key.Unlock the DeviceThe default Screen lock on your device is Swipe.Note: To choose a more secure screen lock, seeSet a Screen Lock.To unlock your device:► Press the Power key or Home key, and thendrag your finger across the screen.