74The following options display:• Font style: allows you to set the font for your tablet display.• Brightness: configures the LCD Brightness levels. Tap Automaticbrightness to allow the tablet to self-adjust and tap OK.• White color density: allows you to set the density of the white colorusing a slider bar. Tap OK when finished.• Black color density: allows you to set the density of the black colorusing a slider bar. Tap OK when finished.• Saturation: allows you to set the color saturation using a slider bar.Tap OK when finished.• Animation: determines whether some or all of the windowelements animate. Selections are: No animations, Someanimations, and All animations.• Screen timeout: adjusts the delay time before the screenautomatically turns off. Selections are: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1minute, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.• Power saving mode: this mode allows you to save power becausethe tablet analyzes the displayed screen image and adjusts the LCDbrightness.• TV out: This feature allows you to connect your tablet to yourtelevision. For more information, refer to “Location andSecurity” on page 74.TV outThis feature allows you to connect your tablet to your televisionvia an optional tablet to RGB cable and view any locally storedimage or video directly on your television. The two availableoptions include: TV out or TV system (NTSC).Note: The TV system (NTSC) option is used if you are connecting to an older,analog NTSC system.To use the TV out feature:1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ Settings ➔ Displaysettings ➔ TV out.2. Tap TV system.3. Tap PAL or NTSC.Note: PAL is usually used in Europe.Location and SecurityThe Location and Security settings allow you to set up how thetablet will determine your location and the security settings foryour tablet.