107106O r g a n i s e rGamesUsing this menu you can also enjoy games on thephone.Scroll to the desired game and press the Select softkey.The following options are available.New Game: allows you to start a new game.High Score: show you the high score list.Key Info.: shows you the key usage.Continue: allows you to enjoy the paused status. Itenables only when the game was puased before.While you are playing a game,To... Then press the...adjust the game volume volume keystoggle the backlighton and offpause the gamepause and exit the gameClock Menu 6-5Set TimeThis option allows you to change the time displayed,using the 24-hour system.Note: Before setting the time, you must specify yourtime zone, via the World Time menu option (6-4).Set DateThis option allows you to change the date displayed.Enter the day, month and year, using the formatspecified in the option below.FormatThis option allows you to select the date format:• DD/MM/YYYY (day, month, year)• MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year)