78webGoogle Maps™You can use Google Maps to find your location, search theonline map for streets, cities, or countries, and getdirections.• This feature might not be available in your region.• To use Google Maps, you must selectApplications → Settings → Location andsecurity → Use wireless networks or Use GPSsatellites.To search for a specific location:1. In Idle mode, select Applications → Maps.2. If you are launching this application for the first time,select OK. The map will display your current location.3. Press [ ] → Search.4. Enter a keyword for the location and select .• View a list of all search results: Select .• Search for location by voice: Select .• Zoom in or out: Select or .• Search for places around you: Select .• Add layers to map: Select .• View current location: Select .To get directions to a specific destination:1. In Idle mode, select Applications → Maps.2. Press [ ] → Directions.3. Enter the addresses of the starting location and theending location.To enter an address from your contact list or to point to alocation on the map, select → Contacts or Point onmap.4. Select a travel method (car, bus, or walk) and select Go.5. Select a travel route to view the details of your trip (ifnecessary).