Getting started24Your device turns off the touch screen when you do●not use the device for a specified period. To turn onthe screen, press the Power/Lock key or the Homekey.You can also adjust the backlight time. In Idle mode,●open the application list and select Settings →Display → Screen time-out.Lock or unlock the touch screen and keysYou can lock the touch screen and keys to prevent anyunwanted device operations.To lock, press the Power/Lock key. To unlock, turn on thescreen by pressing the Power/Lock key or the Home key, andthen flick the window with your finger.Get to know the idle screenWhen the device is in Idle mode, you will see the idle screen.From the idle screen, you can view your device’s status andaccess applications.The idle screen has multiple panels. Scroll left or right toa panel of the idle screen. You can also select a dot at thebottom of the screen to move to the corresponding panel ofthe idle screen directly.› Add items to the idle screenYou can customise the idle screen by adding shortcuts toapplications or items in applications, widgets, or folders. Toadd items to the idle screen,