Communication55View an email message›When you open an email account, you can view previouslyretrieved emails offline or connect to the email server to viewnew messages. After retrieving email messages, you can viewthem offline.Open the application list and select1 Email → an emailaccount.Select2 to update the message list.Select an email message.3 To search for an email message, select● .To reload the messages, select● .To create a new message, select● .To reply to the message, select● .To forward the message to other people, select● .To delete the message, select● .To make the message as unread, select● → Mark asunread.To move the message to another folder, select● → Move.To view the messages by category, select● → List by.To change the view mode, select● → View mode.To change the background colour, select● →Background color.To print the message using Wi-Fi or USB connection, select●→ Print. Your device is compatible only with someSamsung printers.To customise the email settings, select● → Settings.To add a star to the message, select● .To save an attachment to your device, select the●attachment tab → .