safety and usage information7Ensure access to emergency servicesEmergency calls from your phone may not bepossible in some areas or circumstances. Beforetravelling in remote or undeveloped areas, plan analternate method of contacting emergency servicespersonnel.Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)certification informationYour phone conforms to European Union (EU)standards that limit human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy emitted by radio andtelecommunications equipment. These standardsprevent the sale of mobile phones that exceed amaximum exposure level (known as the SpecificAbsorption Rate, or SAR) of 2.0 watts per kilogramof body tissue.DisclaimerSome content and services accessible through thisdevice belong to third parties and are protected bycopyright, patent, trademark and/or other intellectualproperty laws. Such content and services areprovided solely for your personal noncommercialuse. You may not use any content or services in amanner that has not been authorized by the contentowner or service provider. Without limiting theforegoing, unless expressly authorized by theapplicable content owner or service provider, youmay not modify, copy, republish, upload, post,transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works,exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium anycontent or services displayed through this device.“THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND SERVICES AREPROVIDED "AS IS." SAMSUNG DOES NOTWARRANT COTENT OR SERVICES SO PROVIDED,