Media57To listen to songs at equal volume levels, tap → Settings → Smart Volume.When Smart Volume is activated, the volume may end up louder than the devicevolume level. Use caution to avoid long-term exposure to loud sounds to preventdamage to your hearing.Setting a song as ringtone or alarm toneTo use the currently-playing song as ringtone or alarm tone, tap → Set as, and select anoption.Creating playlistsMake an own selection of songs.Tap Playlists, and then tap → Create playlist. Enter a title and tap OK. Tap Add music,select songs to include, and then tap Done.To add the currently-playing song to a playlist, tap → Add to playlist.Playing music by moodPlay music grouped by mood. The playlist is automatically created by the device. When a newsong is added, tap Music square → → Library update.Tap Music square and select a cell of mood. Or select multiple cells by dragging your finger.