Understanding Your Phone 17Calculator: Using this feature you can use the phone asa calculator. The calculator provides the basicarithmetic functions; addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division. You can also use this as ascientific calculator. For more information, refer to“Calculator” on page 134.Camera: Use your 5.0 megapixel camera feature toproduce photos and videos. For more information, referto “Camera” on page 71.ChatON: With the ChatON application, you can interactwith friends and family with text, images, hand-writtennotes and video shared instantly. You can also chat ingroups. For more information, refer to “ChatON” onpage 135.Clock: The Clock application allows you to accessalarms, view the World Clock, set a stopwatch, and usea timer. For more information, refer to “Clock” on page135.Contacts: You can manage your daily contacts bystoring their name and number in your Address Book.Address Book entries can be sorted by name, entry, orgroup. For more information, refer to “Contacts andYour Address Book” on page 54.Downloads: The Downloads application allows you tomanage all of your downloads from the Play Store andthe Browser. For more information, refer to “Downloads”on page 138.Email: Email enables you to review and create emailusing various email services. You can also receive textmessage alerts when you receive an important email.For more information, refer to “Using Email” on page 86.Flipboard: Flipboard collects the content of socialmedia and other websites and presents it in magazineformat that lets you “flip” through the content.FM Radio: Listen to music and news on the FM radio.For more information, refer to “FM Radio” on page 78.