70using tools and applications3. Select More → Print via → USB.4. Set print options and print the image.To print an image using the Bluetooth wirelessfeature,1. Open an image. X p. 392. Select More → Print via → Bluetooth.3. Select a Bluetooth-enabled printer and pair withthe printer. X p. 614. Set print options and print the image.Edit videosLearn to edit video files and apply visual effects.Trim any segment1. In Menu mode, select Video editor.2. Select Files → Import image or Import video.3. Select an image or video category → an imageor video and select Add.For an image, select the duration that the imagedisplays.4. Select More → Files to add more images orvideos.5. Select Edit → Trim.6. Select to play the video and select Startmark at the point where you want the new videoto begin.7. Select End mark at the point where you wantthe new video to end.8. Select Trim.9. When you are finished, select More → Export →Video → Yes.To save the project for future use, select More →Files → Save project. The project will be savedin Other files.