Understanding Your Phone 26Phone: Allows you to access the dialer keypad, calllogs,andfavorites.Formoreinformation,referto “CallFunctions” on page 42.Play Books: With Google Play Books, you can findmore than 3 million free e-books and hundreds ofthousands more to buy in the eBookstore. For moreinformation, refer to “Play Books” on page 166.Play Magazines: With Google Play Magazines, youcan subscribe to your favorite magazines and havethem available to read on your phone at any time orany place. For more information, refer to “PlayMagazines” on page 166.Play Movies & TV:WithGooglePlayMovies&TV,youcanrent thousands of different movies and televisionshows. You can watch instantly, or download yourmovie or show for offline viewing at a later time. Formoreinformation, refer to “Play Movies & TV”on page82.Play Music: WiththeMusicapplication,whileonline,youcanplay music that you have added to your music file as well asany music you copied from your PC. While offline, you canlisten to music you have copied from your PC. For moreinformation, refer to “Google Play Music” on page 81.Play Store: The Play Store provides access todownloadable applications and games to install onyourphone.Formoreinformation,referto “Play Store”on page 167.S Voice: With the S Voice application you can use yourvoice to perform operations that you would normallyhave to do by hand such as dialing a phone number,texting a message, playing music, etc. For moreinformation, refer to “S Voice” on page 168.Samsung Apps: Samsung Apps allows you to simplyand easily download an abun dance of applications toyour phone. Featuring a wealth of games, news,reference, social networking, navigation, and otherapplications, Samsung Apps makes your Smartphonesmarter. For more information, refer to “SamsungApps” on page 169.