● By indicating an icon within the Status bar.To view additional options:1. Tap the Status bar, and then slide your finger down the screen to open the Notificationpanel.2. Tap the upcoming event name from the onscreen list to display the event within theCalendar notifications screen.3. Tap an option. Set snooze duration to set the length of time to allow before you are reminded ofthe event. Choose from: 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes,15 minutes, or 30minutes. Snooze to be reminded of the event at a future time. Dismiss to dismiss the reminder.Use the CalendarThe following procedure helps you use Calendar to view your calendar events and tasks.1. Press and then tap Apps > Calendar.2. While viewing the calendar, you can use these options: Swipe your finger across the screen to browse the calendar. From any screen, tap to create a new item. Tap the tabs on the side of the screen to choose a calendar display.• Year: Tap a month to display the calendar for that month.• Month: Tap a day to view events on that day, or touch and hold a day to createan new event.• Week: Tap a day to view events on that day, or touch and hold a day to createan new event.• Day: Tap a day to view events on that day, or touch and hold a day to create annew event.• List: Choose from a list of events, arranged by date.• Task: Choose from a list of tasks, or tap to create a new task.Tools and Calendar 98