effective 8-1-13 General Terms and Conditions of Service 31location of the transaction or the primaryaccount address of the payment methodor Device and can change over time. Wedetermine the amount for these charges,and these amounts are subject to changeas are the components used to calculatethese amounts. We will provide you noticeof any changes to Surcharges in a mannerconsistent with this Agreement (see “ProvidingNotice To Each Other Under The Agreement”section). However, because some Surchargesare based on amounts set by the governmentor based on government formulas, it will notalways be possible to provide advance noticeof new Surcharges or changes in the amountof existing Surcharges. Information onSurcharges is provided during the salestransaction and is available on our website.Disputing ChargesAny dispute to a charge that we assess youmust be made in writing within 60 days of thedate we deduct the charge from your accountbalance. You accept all charges not properlydisputed within the above time period.About Account BalancesTo keep your account active and avoid serviceinterruption, you must either maintain apositive account balance at all times or pay anyapplicable subscription charges, dependingon your service plan. Account balances arenot transferable, redeemable for cash, orrefundable. Charges are deducted from eitheryour account balance or you may be able topay for certain services with a credit card, debitcard, or PayPal account (a “registered paymentmethod”).There may be limits on your accountadministration, for example account balance,number change, and device changes. See the