12 Status BarKnow Your DeviceThe Status bar at the top of theHome screen provides deviceinformation (such as networkstatus, battery charge, and time)on the right side and notificationalerts on the left.Status IconsBattery full: Battery is fully charged.Battery low: Battery is low.Battery charging: Battery is charging.Vibrate mode: Vibrate mode is enabled.Mute mode: Mute mode is enabled.4G LTE active: The device is connectedto a 4G LTE wireless network.Signal strength: Cellular network signalstrength.Network not available: No wirelessnetwork is available.Wi-Fi active: Wi-Fi is active.Wi-Fi available: A Wi-Fi network isavailable.NFC enabled: NFC (Near FieldCommunication) is enabled.Notification IconsMissed call: A call has been missed.Call in progress: A call is in progress.Call on hold: A call is on hold.New email: New email has arrived.New Gmail: New Gmail has arrived.New voicemail: New voicemail messagehas been received.New message: New text or multimediamessage has arrived.File download in progress: Download ofa file or app is in progress.File upload in progress: File is beinguploaded or sent.GPS active: Location service (GPS) isactive and acquiring a signal.App updates available: App updates areavailable from the Google Play store.App updates complete: App installationor updates are complete.Status Bar