Device Settings 212Phone SettingsConfigure options for calling with your phone.Tip: You can also access Phone settings from the Phone app. From home, tap Phone > More >Settings.1. From home, tap Apps > Settings > Applications .2. Tap Phone to configure options: Swipe to call or send messages: Make calls or send messages by swiping right or leftacross a contact’s information in Contacts, or a log item in the Phone app. Contacts with numbers: Show contacts with phone numbers and hide other contacts. Call blocking: Create and manage a list of phone numbers, to have your phoneautomatically block calls you receive from those numbers, and compose or edit responsemessages when rejecting incoming calls.• Block list: Enter telephone numbers to block calls from the numbers when Call blockingis turned on.• Call-reject messages: Create and manage text messages to send to callers whenrejecting incoming calls. Messages you create here are available from the incoming callscreen when you use the Reject with message option. Outgoing voice call settings: Select whether or not to use Voice over LTE (VoLTE) withoutgoing calls. Answering and ending calls: Manage settings for answering and ending calls.• Pressing the Home key: Answer calls by pressing the Home key.